1. Add a "Blocked" contact attribute 

  • Go to Regal Settings > Data Management > Contact > New Attribute
  • Fill out as pictured with Attribute Key == customProperties.blocked, Input Type == True/False
  • If you want to grant agents the ability to block contacts, make this attribute editable. Otherwise, set it as Display Only. 

User-uploaded Image


2. Add contacts to the blocked list 

  • To do this in bulk, upload a segment as a CSV containing all the contacts you would like to block. Ensure customProperties.blocked is set to TRUE for all contacts. More detailed instructions on this process can be found here.
  • If you made the contact attribute editable, contacts can also be blocked individually from the agent desktop. 

3. Create a "Blocked" task attribute

  • Navigate to the Task Attributes tab under Settings > Routing Rules 
  • Map the contact attribute "customProperties.blocked" to the task attribute "blocked"                   
  • Note: You may need to add the contact property to a contact before it can be referenced. More information on task attributes can be found here

4. Create a Blocked queue and routing rules 

  • Navigate to Settings > Routing Rules > New Queue and create a "Blocked" Queue with the eligibility expression 1==0
  • Create blocked routing rules for inbound call and SMS User-uploaded Image