Pre-recorded voicemails save your agents time when leaving voicemails on campaign calls. All you need is a .mp3 or .wav formatted recording.
On the settings page, select Recordings and then click the "Add Voicemail Recording" button.
Recordings page

Next, upload your file and give the voicemail a name that will make it easy to identify when you are adding it to campaigns.
Note! The recording must be less than 45 seconds long, and .mp3 or .wav format. If your file is a different format, try a free online audio file converter.
Adding pre-recorded voicemails to campaigns calls
Once you've uploaded the voicemail, you can now add it to specific campaigns during campaign creation or while editing the campaign.
Select the "Pre-corded Voicemail" option in Voicemail Instructions, then choose the corresponding pre-recorded voicemail.