How to Add/Edit Dispositions, Tags, and Cancelation Reasons

You can add and update all of your task preferences in the Regal Voice app.

Click the Security Gear icon at the bottom left side of the Regal app to open up the Settings sidebar.

Settings Sidebar 



Navigate to Task Preferences to manage your Dispositions, Tags, and Cancelation Reasons. Each of these task attributes are in separate tables on the page.

Task Preferences




Each table lists the Name of the disposition/tag/cancellation reason as it appears on the task. As well as any description of the item, and timestamps for when it was created and last updated.

Edit or Delete rows in either table through the Actions column (last column in table).


Add New Disposition/Tag/Cancelation Reason


To add new items to the tables, click the Add button above the corresponding table. You'll be able to add a Disposition Name and a Disposition Description. The description shows to agents who hover over the item while on a task. 

Use the Conversation Happened options to specify whether or not the disposition implies that a conversation happened with the contact as the result of the task. This can be used in reporting.

You're able to make a specific disposition, tag, or cancelation reason usable by only agents on certain teams by toggling the Disposition Visibility input and selecting teams in the Team Assignment dropdown. If selected, only agents belonging to at least one of the specified teams will be able to see the item when completing or canceling a task.



Some live edits will require the agent to refresh the app before the attribute appears in the task.